226-378-7748 joe@budgetboss.ca
Why you don’t have Life Insurance… and why you should

Why you don’t have Life Insurance… and why you should

Monday, January 25, 2021 Why you don’t have Life Insurance… and why you should Life insurance used to be called death insurance. The name didn’t stick, for obvious reasons. Back in the day people thought it bad luck to put a number on top of their heads. Despite this,...
How to Retire Relevant Step 4: Insurance

How to Retire Relevant Step 4: Insurance

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 How to Retire Relevant Step 4: Insurance I will fully admit that insurance is not the most interesting part of financial planning. Most people cringe when they see the premium come out of their account every month. Despite this, it may be...
10 Things I Have Learned About Money Since Creating Budget Boss

10 Things I Have Learned About Money Since Creating Budget Boss

Monday, June 10, 2019 10 Things I Have Learned About Money Since Creating Budget Boss This is my 400th blog post for my website www.budgetboss.ca. I figured it would be a good idea to share with everyone the things I have learned while coming on this journey. There...
11 Excuses to Not Get Life Insurance, and Why They Are BS

11 Excuses to Not Get Life Insurance, and Why They Are BS

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 11 Excuses to Not Get Life Insurance, and Why They Are BS I am of the belief that everyone should have life insurance. There are many reasons to have it. It eliminates debts, provides income protection, helps settle estates, diversifies...

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