by Joseph Francis | Mar 17, 2021 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Investing, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Retirement Planning, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 7 Useless Holidays… and 3 important ones Welcome to another edition of cultural appropriation, Irish Style. Today is St. Patrick’s Day and even though we are in the middle of a pandemic, warm green beer will be served all around the world in...
by Joseph Francis | Mar 8, 2021 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Covid-19, Debt, Diversify, Diversify Investments, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Insurance, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Money Momma, Retirement, Retirement Planning, Saving, Saving for a Down Payment, Saving Money, Wasteful Spending, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Monday, March 8, 2021 Four Years of Budget Boss. What’s Changed? What Hasn’t? On this date, four years ago, my website launched. With the help of an amazing team, I put out my vision and thoughts on personal finance. I remember it like it was yesterday. At the time I...
by Joseph Francis | Feb 8, 2021 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Retirement, Retirement Planning, Tax-Free Savings Account, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Monday, February 8, 2021 Why People Hate Market Swings… And Why They Shouldn’t Whether you are a first-time investor or a seasoned veteran, no one likes seeing their investments go down. It is a nasty feeling to have your hard-earned money lose its value seemingly...
by Joseph Francis | Feb 3, 2021 | Budgeting, Budgets, Dave Ramsey, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Insurance, Investing, Investment Strategy, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Retirement, Retirement Planning, Saving Money, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 Finding the Right Financial Advisor It should come as no surprise that I believe everyone should have a dedicated Financial Advisor. I will accept that I am biased, being in the industry for close to 5 years now. It is a FACT that people...
by Joseph Francis | Jan 25, 2021 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Dave Ramsey, Debt, Declined For Life Insurance, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Insurance, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Life Insurance, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Mortgage Insurance, Mortgage Loan Insurance, Mortgage Planning, Permanent Life Insurance, Saving, Saving Money, Term Life Insurance, Wealth, Wealth Building
Monday, January 25, 2021 Why you don’t have Life Insurance… and why you should Life insurance used to be called death insurance. The name didn’t stick, for obvious reasons. Back in the day people thought it bad luck to put a number on top of their heads. Despite this,...
by Joseph Francis | Jan 18, 2021 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Diversify, Diversify Investments, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Money Momma, Mortgage Insurance, Net Worth, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Saving, Saving Money, Tax Effieciency, Tax-Free Savings Account, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Monday, January 18, 2021 Your Guide to RRSP Season: 2021 As we enter the last half of January, we start to put a bow on the previous year and focus on the present. One of the items we wrap up is the previous year’s taxes and corresponding RRSP contribution. The...