226-378-7748 joe@budgetboss.ca

Monday, June 11, 2018

The 5 Most Important Assets You Will Ever Own

It can often be hard to conceptualize the value of things that you own. For the most part, everything we own goes down in value after we have used it. Cars, clothes, furniture all dramatically drop in value once we get our hands on them. Valuable assets often cannot be held and don’t have a tangible value to them. They are there to bring comfort to your life or are in place to help you gain financial freedom. Today I am going to describe the 5 most important assets you will ever own. It is these items that will add true value to your life and guide you to prosperity.

1) Your will and work ethic

This sounds like an odd one, but it may be the most important part of your everyday life. Not many people actually enjoy their jobs. I am one of the lucky ones who do but I have worked at jobs that I intensely hated. The ability to get up every morning and push through the desire to run away from it all is immensely important. There are many people in our society who have lost all will to succeed, to work and sadly even to live. For the people who live under that shadow, my heart goes out. We all should understand the importance of having the will to carry on because, without it, there is truly nothing else. We must see the greater good in our daily struggles not as a definition of who we are, but of who we want to become. It is your ability to see the larger picture and how the day to day fits into it that will guide you to success. We have been trained to do our best job so that we impress our peers and our bosses. We should be working hard for one reason and one reason only: To provide a better life for ourselves and our families. The rest is just noise.


2) The company you keep

They say that you are the sum of the 5 people you are around the most. For me, that would be my laptop and my Keurig coffee brewer. There is a dramatic link between your success and the company you keep. This is probably why there is such an obsession with people and their dogs as dogs love you no matter what. Negative energy will drag you down. People who abuse substances like drugs and alcohol will bring you down. On the flip side, positive energy will lift you up. Intelligence will provoke thought and constructive criticism will breed success. There are 2 things we should all strive to do. Find people who are smarter than you and surround yourself with them. You will automatically become a more intelligent individual. Also, find those around you who bring you down and eliminate them from your life. It doesn’t mean they are bad people, although they may just be, it means they are not the right energy for what you are trying to accomplish. If you do both those things your life will automatically get better.

Should I Lend Money to a Friend? – Budget Boss

Financial Advisor


3) Your home

Home is where the heart is, but it is also where success lies.  We have all seen the movies where the country kids worry that they will forever stay in that small one-horse town. Sure enough, the ones who stay there end up living the same life their parents had and being miserable. If you are currently living in a place where you are not happy I have one word for you: RUN! Get out and get out now. Your happiness is key to success and you will not be happy if where what you call home is a nightmare. This includes your physical home or the place where you live. No one actually wants to live in a shithole, but they become complacent and fearful of the change. If it means you must work harder just to survive, do it. Peace of mind is everything and not being comfortable where you are will ruin your life. I hear many people afraid to change their surroundings because it may mean more work, more money or even failure. Just a heads up, you may be living in failure as we speak. What I mean by failure is living with unrealized potential. Nothing in life is worse than unrealized potential.

10 Benefits of Home Ownership – Budget Boss


4) Your Employment

What you do for a living directly affects everything else in your life. There is an association with where you work and your happiness, your stability and your health. How you earn a living will dictate much of your life including your financial success. While I believe everyone should be saving at least a little bit of money every month, I realize it is much easier to do that if you earn more money. I also believe that it is crucially important for everyone to strive to earn as much as possible. No, it is not for the nice car or nice clothes or even for the fancy home. We should all strive to earn more because it is with these earnings, and wise choices of course, that we can buy freedom. We can buy annual vacations, a better life for our children, better health and even an early retirement. We should all take our employment seriously because it is those who do that experience success in life.

Financial Advisor


5) Your health

It has been said that a healthy man has a million wishes and an unhealthy man only has one. It’s true, trust me. If you have a friend or family member who is experiencing health problems you probably know this to be true, but you never really know until it is you. Having good health is truly the most important thing in the world. We all complain about life, I know I do sometimes. If you have good health, you truly have nothing to complain about. I say this as someone who is guilty of complaining here and there but also someone who has experienced health problems during my life. I spent 10 years living in bad health and I know there is a marked difference between my life now and my life then. When you wake up sick, or in pain, everything else is affected. Your health also affects your wealth. Your ability to earn a living is extremely important, as I mentioned in the above paragraph. Without that you are relegated to poverty. Those in our society who live on assistance often do so because of health problems, be it mental or physical. For most, this is not the life they chose. While we all roll the dice with our health, we can do things to make it better including eating well and exercising. Regular rest and relaxation is also good for your health and your soul. Maintaining good health should be all of our top focuses and providing good healthcare should be the main focus of any nation. It is truly the base of any success we wish to have in life.

Health and Wealth – The Economist


All the assets I mentioned are intertwined in one way or another. To find the right balance of all 5 is key to success. As I have mentioned many times before, wealth is a mentality. When you have the right mentality the only difference between you and Bill Gates is several zeros in the bank account. Covering all these bases will give you that mentality and then acquiring physical assets like investments and property will be no-brainers. Remember that the greatest battle you will ever have is right between your ears. Everything else is secondary.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. – Maya Angelou

Financial Advisor

Frugality Now, Wealth Later

Email – joe@budgetboss.ca 

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