226-378-7748 joe@budgetboss.ca

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to Wow Your Potential Boss – 7 Tips to be the Best

Yesterday I discussed what you should be looking for in a prospective employer. It is important to remember that bosses are looking for something in you as well. We must look at employment as a relationship, of which a give and take is always necessary. As a potential future employee, you have to bring some solid intangibles to the table as well. Today I am going to look at what you can do to make yourself a better employee. I know it isn’t always easy, especially if you work for tyrants, but putting your best foot forward will always win in the end.


1) Be ready to work

I might be a freak, but I love working. I find life can be too boring, so work gets me going. There is nothing an employer dislikes more than their workers not wanting to be there. Sometimes that falls on the employer for not providing a stable environment, but either way, it rings true. Mass amounts of vacations, “sick days,” showing up tired and just plain old not caring will hurt you in the long run. It is important to understand that you don’t go to work for your employer, you go to work for you. Your main goal should be to better your life and one of the ways to do that is through work. Making hard work a top priority will lead to greater success for you in the long run.


2) Hunger for money

We all love money, right? How deep is your love for money? Your love for money should be deep enough that you are willing to go the extra mile for it. Many people associate love of money with greed. I disagree completely. If wanting my future to be brighter is greedy then call me greedy. If wanting the lives around me to be better, than call me greedy. If not having to worry about paying bills is greedy, well you know. A hunger for money will propel you to new heights. You will be focused on building your net worth, taking your job to the next level and ultimately helping others because it, in turn, helps yourself. Going back to point one, you will get nothing in life unless you work for it and that most definitely includes money. Those who think you are greedy for working hard are usually broke, so who cares what they think.

Hard Work is The Single Greatest Competitive Advantage – Medium

Financial Advisor


3) Always be learning

In this economy or any really, you have to be learning all the time. It is not enough to just land a great job, you also have to evolve within that job. This includes taking your own time to learn ideas and concepts that aren’t being taught on the job. Enroll in night school. Take an online course. Read as much as you can. It all adds up to you being irreplaceable and if your workplace is forced to downsize, you will survive. This doesn’t mean you won’t lose your job because sometimes that is out of your control. What it means is that if you do, you will be more attractive to other employers. You might even make more money after being laid off, but only if you are constantly improving.


4) Be helpful

I know of very few workplaces that have one employee. Most require some sort of working with others, so you will have to be helpful. Team atmospheres promote progression, inclusion, fairness and overall upward mobility. Working by yourself, for yourself, in a workplace is extremely damaging. If you have ever worked at a place like that you will know that everyone is on pins and needles all the time. Be the change you want to see and help out others on the team. Remember, Team Work makes the Dream Work!

The Most Important Money Habit You Can Ever Develop – Budget Boss


5) Honesty

It can be very tempting and even involuntary to lie when you make a mistake. I know from experience that it only makes it worse. Everyone messes up here and there, so being open and honest about it can help you through. When you lie then the solution becomes harder to find and getting caught in the lie is often more damaging than the mistake itself. Real leaders own their mistakes and help provide solutions for them. Even if you work in a cutthroat environment, your honesty will shine through and others should respect that.

Financial Advisor


6) TCOB – Take Care of Business

There is nothing more appealing to an employer than someone who gets shit done. We all have a job to do and when it comes time to do it, just do it. Procrastination at work is very detrimental to everyone. Tasks often require many moving parts and not doing your part can often hold back the whole ship. You should be rewarded for Taking Care of Business, and if you are not, then it is a problem. Working hard should get you a better life, so make sure if you are busting your butt that the money you receive reflects that. There is nothing more valuable to an employer than an ace in the hole employee, one you know you can always count on to get the job done.

10 Money Resolutions That Will Make Your 2018 Better Than 2017 – Budget Boss


7) Lead by example

This one can be for both employers and employees, but it is essential to any organization that those in the trenches lead by example. In my opinion, any worker should be able to do any role of management, of course after a certain amount of time. What I mean by this is that if you are a great employee, being a manager should be a natural transition. If it is not your time yet, then that is fine, but leading by example is something everyone should strive for. There is nothing worse than a hypocrite and no one likes a person that barks orders and can’t back it up. You should be able to show your work, so take charge and be the best you can be. Even if your current job does not recognize it, someone will.


It is tough to realize sometimes, but work is what will set you free. We all need money to survive and thrive. Making the extra effort will get you the extra money most of the time. If it does not, find a place where it does. This isn’t always easy, but complacency will crush your morale and your bank account in the long run. There is no regret bigger than potential left on the table.

Thanks for tuning in as Career Week continues at Budget Boss. Join us tomorrow as we discuss whether or not you work for a jerk. If you would like to discuss your budget, please feel free to message me at joe@budgetboss.ca. Have a great day Bosses!

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” – Pele
Financial Advisor

What to Look for in a Career: 10 Deal Breakers

Email – joe@budgetboss.ca 

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