226-378-7748 joe@budgetboss.ca

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

What is Your “Why?”

One of the most difficult things to do in life is to understand why you are here. We look around and see so much going on, both good and bad, and wonder where do we fit into all this. Finding your “why” might be extremely difficult, but doing so will make your life infinitely easier. Finding your “why” will make all of life’s problems seem a little less dramatic. In terms of your money, finding your “why” is crucial to obtaining financial independence. Knowing what makes you tick takes the doubt out of financial planning. It puts into perspective all the hard work you shovel out on a daily basis. It allows you to operate with a sense of purpose and commitment. In this post, I am going to talk about finding your “why” and explain why it is important for your financial plan. Figuring this out will set you on a path to tremendous growth.



So why should you find your “why?”

When it comes to your finances, finding your “why” is extremely important. We are very blessed in our country to be able to strive for something greater than just merely surviving. In much of the world, the goal of life is to merely live. In Canada, many of us are lucky enough to have the option of thriving, rather than just surviving. We can search for greater meaning in life. Attempt to acquire wealth if we choose. Live a life of leisure if that is our goal. In my opinion, if you have the ability and option of thriving in life, you must do everything you can to do so. It would be such a waste of talent if you do not. Being the best you can be, can only be achieved when you find your “why.” This will lead to increased productivity, more money in your pocket and an overall happiness that cannot be denied.

12 Money Habits That Kill Your Freedom – Budget Boss



How do you find your “why?”

Finding your “why” might be difficult for some. For people like my father, it was easy. My brother and I were all the inspiration he needed to work his butt off in the early years. Once we moved out and he knew we were alright, getting to a point where he could put away the work boots was the next motivation. To find your “why” you must know what makes you tick. Often this is what you love most, like your children or spouse. Other times it is giving to a cause you love like a charity or a local organization like your church. It more than likely will be something you are amazing at and really love doing. Where in your life do you add the most value? Where are you irreplaceable? Where do you make the biggest difference? Most likely the place where this occurs will be the place where you have the most fun. It could be possible that your “why” has nothing to do with work at all. You may love to travel, or write stories, or even run in marathons. Realizing what you love to do the most and what you are best at will help you discover your “why.” We so often drift through life without examining the things that are most important to us.

Finding Your Why: How to Discover Your Professional Purpose – Goalcast

Financial Advisor



Your “why” and Financial Independence

No matter what your “why” is, it will have something to do with money. You may wonder how that is so if your “why” is volunteering at the local animal shelter. If you wish to spend more time helping out all the cute animals, you have to have the free time to do it. How you gain that free time is by buying it, through good money management. You see, we don’t work hard to make money. We work hard so we can buy freedom. The freedom to do what we want, when we want. That freedom may be used to work more. It may be used to not work at all. That is why finding your “why” is so important. It will get you through the tough days, the angry bosses, the crappy customers and the pain of loss. When you focus on your “why” you know exactly the purpose of every dollar. You will know why saving and investing your money is so important. It is much more fun to spend it all as you make it, but that would take away from your “why.” You know exactly why you buy insurance because you want to protect the loved ones around you. You want them to have a normal life, even if you aren’t here. You will know why it is important to be debt free, even your mortgage because you want every dollar working for you instead of paying down costly debt. Answers to tough questions become that much easier when you know your “why.”

Remember That Each Dollar Serves a Purpose! – Budgets Are Sexy


Knowing your “why” is the is so vitally important because financial freedom takes sacrifice. You may have to miss out on some fun times. You will definitely have to miss out on instant gratification. Saving for the future has absolutely no instant gratification. It has at best a numbing effect like working out, that you only get used to over time. Money is your tool to get closer to financial freedom and when you get there, you can live for your “why.” It may be easier for you than others. Your “why” might be coaching the little league team in your neighborhood. It may be very tough, like wanting to travel the world. Either way, finding the right balance with taking care of your needs, and getting towards your “why” is vital in life. We have been lucky enough to be able to pursue such dreams. If we spend our time going after short-term wants, it will be an opportunity wasted.

Thanks for tuning in today as FIRE Week continues at Budget Boss. Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow as I give you my guide to Financial Independence. If you would like to tell someone your “why,” I would love to hear. Send me a message at joe@budgetboss.ca and let me know what gets you going. Have a great day Bosses!

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” – John F. Kennedy
Financial Advisor

I’m Not Cheap……I’m Frugal!!!

Email – joe@budgetboss.ca 

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