by Joseph Francis | Dec 10, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Debt, Emergency Savings, Employment, Entrepreneur, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Investing, Investment Strategy, Jobs, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Monday, December 10, 2018 10 Entrepreneur Tips to Make 2019 Great Welcome, welcome my fellow all-nighters. Greetings to my coffee guzzlers, my early risers, my vacation forgoers, and all those badass mompreneurs. 2018 has been an interesting year, to say the least,... by Joseph Francis | Nov 28, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Credit, Credit Card Debt, Debt, Education Savings, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Joseph James Francis, Lines of Credit, Millennials, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Net Worth, Payday Loan, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Wasteful Spending, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Avoiding a January Debt Hangover With Black Friday behind us, we have launched the official kickoff into the Christmas shopping season. Debt distributors rejoice as people will now begin to overextend themselves all to gain an evening of... by Joseph Francis | Sep 26, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Employment, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Jobs, Joseph James Francis, Millennials, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 5 Ways to Get Ahead in the Workplace We live in an overworked and underpaid society. Where this is most felt is in the lower reaches of the middle class. Those making between 40-70K annually are getting absolutely crushed in terms of the... by Joseph Francis | Sep 21, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Collaboration, Debt, Employment, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Investing, Investment Strategy, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Wasteful Spending, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Friday, September 21, 2018 Entrepreneur Skills that Pay the Bills Being an entrepreneur is not easy. In fact, it is extremely tough. Every day is a battle trying to stay on top of never-ending to-do lists, client engagement, financial management and putting out... by Joseph Francis | Jan 23, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Employment, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independece, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Investing, Investment Strategy, Joseph James Francis, Money, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Uncategorized, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Planning
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 How to Wow Your Potential Boss – 7 Tips to be the Best Yesterday I discussed what you should be looking for in a prospective employer. It is important to remember that bosses are looking for something in you as well. We must look at... by Joseph Francis | Jan 11, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Employment, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independece, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Jobs, Joseph James Francis, Money, Saving, Saving Money, Small Business, Wealth
Thursday, January 11, 2018 Southern Ontario: The Next Silicon Valley? A key loss for the area in which we live, Southern Ontario, was the decline in manufacturing. For the past few decades, little by little major manufacturers have been disappearing. A major reason...