by Joseph Francis | Oct 15, 2019 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Defined Contribution Pension Plan, Diversification, Diversify, Diversify Investments, Dollar Cost Averaging, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Goals Based Investing, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Long Term Investing, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Mutual Funds, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Relevant Retirement System, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Saving, Saving Money, Stocks, Tax-Free Savings Account, TFSA, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 How to Retire Relevant Step 5: Investing My 7-Step Relevant Retirement System is a comprehensive guide to coming out on top during your golden years. The society we live in does not set you up to win in retirement, in fact, it is quite the...
by Joseph Francis | Jul 8, 2019 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Diversify, Diversify Investments, Dollar Cost Averaging, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Goals Based Investing, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Mutual Funds, RDSP, Registered Disability Savings Plan, Registered Education Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, RESP, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Saving, Saving Money, Tax-Free Savings Account, TFSA, Wasteful Spending, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset
Monday, July 8, 2019 Clearing up Investment Confusion One of the most common points of uncertainty I encounter with my clients is Investments. The truth is, most people have no clue what’s going on. If you are one of them, don’t be mad and please do not be offended. I...
by Joseph Francis | May 28, 2019 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Cash Flow, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Goals Based Investing, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, Pay Yourself First, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Saving, Tax-Free Savings Account, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Investing is About Goals, Not Performance Most of my clients have no clue about how the stock market works. Stocks, bonds, ETF’s, Index Funds, Bitcoin, Marijuana, it’s all just a bunch of noise. I personally follow the markets closely and have...
by Joseph Francis | Dec 7, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, Diversification, Diversify, Diversify Investments, Emergency Funds, Emergency Savings, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Goal Setting, Goal-Oriented Planning, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Money, Money Coach, Money Mentor, RDSP, Registered Disability Savings Plan, Registered Education Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, RESP, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Saving, Saving Money, Tax Effieciency, Tax-Free Savings Account, TFSA, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Mindset, Wealth Planning
Friday, December 7, 2018 How Do I Start Investing? What’s the hardest part about losing weight? Those first few weeks at the gym are where most people slip up. The pain is often too much to take. Luckily investing is a little more tolerable. You see, in the investment...
by Joseph Francis | Feb 6, 2018 | Bonds, Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independece, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Fixed Income, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Long Term Investing, Money, Mutual Funds, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, RRSP versus TFSA, Stock Exchange, Wealth, Wealth Building, Wealth Planning
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 What should I invest my retirement money in? The most confusing part about investing is understanding the investments themselves. I have spoken with many clients about what stocks or bonds are and watched their eyes glaze over. This type of...
by Joseph Francis | Feb 5, 2018 | Budget Boss, Budgeting, Budgets, ETF's, Exchange Traded Funds, Fiduciary, Finances, Financial Advisor, Financial Education, Financial Empowerment, Financial Goals, Financial Health, Financial Independece, Financial Independence, Financial Plan, Financial Planner, Home Buyer's Plan, Investing, Investment Strategy, Investments, Joseph James Francis, Long Term Investing, Money, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Retirement, Retirement Planning, RRSP, Saving Money, Stocks, Tax Effieciency, Wealth Building, Wealth Planning
Monday, February 5, 2018 Understanding Your RRSP’s As we roll into February, those frequent blizzards mean tax time is now approaching. With tax time brings the annual Registered Retirement Savings Plan or RRSP season. Many of you are getting or giving calls to your...